Thanks to my cousin Peggy for inspiring the posts over this next week. I think it will help me even more get out of the winter blues funk, though this past week and weekend have helped quite a bit!
Peggy has declared this next week
Color Week! Monday thru Friday I will post a picture each day representing the color of that day, they will be as follows: Monday:
PurpleAnyone is welcome to do the same of course! I think it will help me get back into the blogging spirit and now that I
finally found the charger for my camera battery I can use my camera and hopefully be as creative as Peggy is. (you should check out her blog for cool Friday Photos and other great things for that matter)
Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy our blog over the next week. Who knows, maybe I'll even let Mike post one of them :-)
P.S. I didn't take pictures of this weekend but Mike and I had a mini his parents! We don't have the money to up and go anywhere fancy for a getaway but his parents home is large and well..fancy in my eyes and it was really just the getaway we needed. We weren't surrounded by the chores that need to be done (tomorrow) We relaxed, watched a movie and even went to sacrament with his parents! Sure it was simple, but it was just what we needed!