I have a lot of catching up to do with the blog, which I will get around to, I promise! But for now here are a couple of things Mike and I did in October!
A few Sunday's back we went for a drive up to Brighton, and took a stroll around Silver Lake with Jeff and Venita. It was a perfect way to work up an appetite for family dinner!
This past monday Jeff and Venita joined us for FHE, carving pumpkins! We had a great time, thanks JV!
We didn't just spend the whole month with Jeff and Venita though! We went to a REAL Soccer game with Tara and Adam (Tara is a work friend of Mike's who we are starting to hang out with more! She met her sweetie the day after we got married!) Tara and Adam also joined us, ALONG with Jeff Venita, Marianna and Trevor for a fun Halloween dinner (props to Mikey for an awesome spread on the table...seriously, just wait for the pictures!)
I had a girls night with my my mom and a few cousins and enjoyed an evening of Chili's and Witches Night Out at Garnder Village (we left before the grand prize drawing...too bad, my mom's name was apparently the first they called out!! ha-ha)

Mikey's Saturn got broken into, he fixed it for under $45 himself and we are now selling it! Any takers?!?! Don't worry he already has a new ride, his 1999 Subaru Outback. Totally fits him! He's loving it, which makes me happy and all is well!
I will get more pictures up, but enoy these for now!